miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Halloween scary stories

Dear students,
I would like you to read a Halloween scary story called "Dancing with the Devil". Then, do these activities:

1.- Find 10 irregular verbs.
2.- Write in your own words what these words mean: sparkly, preacher, determined, stammer, spin.
3.-Did the mother allow her to go to the dance? why?
4.- Why did the girl agree to dance with the man?
5.-What does the author mean by "he had spun the girl all the way to hell" at the end of the story?.
5. - Write a sentence or two to finish the story in a different way.

1 comentario:

  1. 1- Be, Have, Know, Come, Say, Put, Broke, See, Find, Lead.

    2- Sparkly: Brillante Preacher: Predicador, Pastor Determined: Decidido Stammer: Tartamudear Spin: Girar

    3- No,she didn't. Because she talked with the preacher and he said 'dance going to be for the devil'.

    4- Because the man was very handsome

    5- The girl thinks and says 'I prefer dance with that's boy' and she went with her boy and they were dancing all the night
